Dear Reader,
We become our habits. And our kids become us. This is why carefully choosing the habits of our household is one of the most significant things we can do for our children's spiritual formation. ​
I'm a business lawyer who used to be a missionary in China. So I've learned mandarin and passed the bar exam - but parenting is still hands down the hardest thing I've ever done. It is so hard to stay alive to the hundreds of important moments that God offers us in daily parenting.
That's why I wrote this book on parenting habits. Habits are the little patterns we fall back on when we don't realize we're falling back on anything. But just because they are little doesn't mean they aren't incredibly spiritually important.
In fact, probably the most significant things about our household is the ordinary rhythms we call normal. We are discipled by our normal.
So I want to invite you to use this book to explore the ways waking, mealtimes, moments of discipline, playtime, bedtime and more can all be moments of incredible spiritual formation.